Louisiana native plants are starting to make a comeback, thanks in part to a group of plant enthusiasts encouraging homeowners to “go native” in their yards. The Acadiana Native Plant Project is working to increase awareness and availability of native species, promoting a healthier and more diverse environment.

replacing invasive species with louisiana native plants
At the project’s Teche Garden and Nature Trail in Arnaudville, volunteers are transforming the landscape by removing invasive species and replacing them with native Louisiana plants. Phyllis Grifford, a volunteer, describes the challenge. “This acre back here has a lot of invasives—tallows, Chinese privet, honeysuckle. This could use some more diversity.” By planting native trees and shrubs, the group hopes to restore natural habitats. “You know, if you plant it, they will come,” Grifford says, referring to the insects and overwintering larvae that native plants attract. This, in turn, leads to more songbirds and butterflies, creating a thriving ecosystem.

Each week, volunteers plant seeds, nurture sprouts, and host occasional plant sales to encourage homeowners to incorporate native plants into their landscapes. “Every single person here is here because they want to be here,” says Eliyahu Megidesh, another volunteer. “They’re committed to the project.”

encouraging homeowners to ‘go native’
The goal of the Acadiana Native Plants Project is to make native plants more accessible and desirable for local gardeners. “What we hope is that as the demand increases, that it will be profitable for somebody at a regular nursery to grow and offer those,” explains Heather Warner Finley, president of the project. Finley walks a nature trail in the group’s arboretum, pointing out young trees and their potential. There is a small magnolia that will eventually display large white blossoms. She stops at a black cherry plant, noting that it “makes beautiful white flower blooms in the Spring.”

A little leaf viburnum.

the decline in louisiana native plants
The decline of Louisiana’s native plants dates back centuries. “They brought their crops, they brought all the pests that eat their crops. And so they’re clearing land to plant the crops they know how to grow,” Finley says of early European settlers. The project aims to rebalance the landscape by reintroducing species that once thrived here.
For homeowners interested in making a change, the project offers certifications for native plant gardens, starting at 25 plants and going up to more than 75. “You’d probably be surprised at how many you have,” Finley says. “If you have an oak tree, chances are it’s a native. If you have a maple tree, it’s probably a native.” By restoring native plants, the project hopes to reshape Louisiana’s landscapes, one backyard at a time.
native plants project featured on tv
visit the trail and gardens at teche woods
The Acadiana Native Plants Project’s Teche Garden Nursery and Nature Trail is located at 1046 Main Highway in Arnaudville, Louisiana. The Project also hosts nature talks, nature walks and plant sales. Check out the Acadiana Native Plant Project’s Event Calendar.
1046 Main Hwy, Arnaudville, LA 70512
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