Finding a hummingbird nest in the wild is a nearly impossible task. The tiny camouflaged nests look like a small knot on a tree branch, often hidden by leaves. That’s why birdwatchers and photographers are so excited at a wetlands boardwalk near the south Louisiana town of Lockport.

The hummingbird weaves its nest out of silk from spider webs. The cup-shaped structure usually measures one by two inches in size. The bird mixes in greenish lichen from tree bark to camaflouge the home of her chicks. As the tiny baby hummingbirds grow and squirm, the nest expands with their movement. The birds will only use the nest for a few weeks, until the chicks mature, stretch their wings and learn to fly. So wildlife photographers and birdwatchers only have a short time to view this tiny natural wonder.
fascinating show at hummingbird nest
The nest is located in a small red maple tree about 30 feet from the end of the Elevated Wetlands Boardwalk in the south Louisiana town of Lockport. It sits on a low branch shielded by overhanging leaves. It takes a keen eye with binoculars or a long camera lens to get a good view of the birds’ activity.

The 440-foot long boardwalk allows nature lovers to walk above the water of this forested swamp located near Bayou Lafourche. It can be a good place to see and photograph swamp animals, like snakes and alligators, or rabbits and other small animals. Be sure to look closely at the green vegetation above the water for colorful flowers and insects.
pictures of hummingbirds and swamp critters
easy access to the south louisiana swamp
The Lockport Elevated Wetlands Boardwalk is located along LA Hwy 308, which follows Bayou Lafourche as you drive “down the bayou”. You will find ample parking and be able to enjoy a nice shaded walk into the swamp. There are plans in the works by the Lafourche Parish Government to expand the boardwalk further into the cypress swamp with a half-mile-long loop trail.
hummingbirds featured on tv
getting there
Drive south on LA Hwy 308 to the town of Lockport. Look carefully for the Wetlands Boardwalk sign at a gravel road on your left.
6419 LA-308, Lockport, LA 70374
Terry Toland
Where and when does your show air
Dave McNamara
Hi Terry, My “Heart of Louisiana” TV feature stories air on WVUE, Fox8 in New Orleans during the 9pm news on Tuesday nights. In fact, the hummingbird story will are tonight Tuesday July 6th. Hope you tune in! Thye also air on several other TV stations across Louisiana, although I am not sure of the day/time. Every station is different: WAFB-9 Baton Rouge, KPLC-7 Lake Charles, KSLA-12 Shreveport, KALB-5 Alexandria, KNOE-8 Monroe.
Thank you for showing all the intriguing places Mother Nature has to offer for us. I was most impressed with the tiny hummingbird nest. Please keep us informed especially when bird migration starts to happen. And if u see anything spectacular bird wise please let us know. Thanks again. Paula
Love it.
I use to go there with people who came to visit the Trad. Boat Center in Lockport. La and the Heritage museum an the Bayou playhouse. Near the Bayouside park, they were amazed at all they could see here in Lockport…Thanks for the report on Channel 8.