My favorite man of speed turns 105! What a privilege to sit next to Knot Farrington of Metairie as he reached the age of 105 this week.

A record-setting career
I first met Knot ten years ago, when he was only 95 years old. He recalled his trips to the Bonneville Salt Flats in Utah in the early 1960’s when he was setting speed records driving a race car he built at his auto shop in New Orleans. That custom-built Thunderbird is the centerpiece of the Louisiana Sports Hall of Fame Museum in Natchitoches.
Breaking the 200mph speed barrier

a year before knot turns 105 – still driving and gardening
I had breakfast Knot Farrington a year ago, just before he celebrated his 104th birthday. It’s the first time I’ve been driven around by anyone past the age of 100. And after breakfast, on a hot August morning, there were cabbages to plant in Knot’s garden. And the secret to living this long….. never stop working. Click here to see the story.

Elaine A
Happy Birthday, Mr Farrington! Our family once lived 3 doors down from your family on Folse Drive. You look amazing!
Elaine A (daughter of Moses and Barbara